One of the great parts of being based in Wyoming is the incredible sense of community we enjoy. Some say Wyoming is just one big small town, and we agree! One of the organizations we love partnering with is the Wyoming Nonprofit Network, which spearheads the WyoGives event each year.
On this one day, nonprofits across the state participate in this 24-hour online fundraising event, where they have the opportunity to receive matching funds for donations made within those 24 hours. For us at Sanctuary Horses, it has become an event we eagerly look forward to. Last year alone, we raised $26,049 in that one day! This amount was reached by the generosity of some significant gifts, along with many of our monthly donors. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Melinda Moyes, Kate Hillen, Brent & Jackie Hillen, Kyle & Audrey Oderman and Jamie Beltran who played key roles in helping us raise these funds, which were then matched by WyoGives. As you can imagine, as donations are multiplied, we are able to meet the many crucial needs of our Sanctuary Horses family. Necessities like feed, veterinary care, equipment upkeep and so on can start to add up fast. While we carefully steward the funds we are given, we are also continually looking for ways we can bolster our giving pool so that we will be ready to take on any new horses that need a forever home. Another goal of ours is to continually look for ways to keep growing in our knowledge and expertise so that our horses are taken care of as well as humanly possible. With those priorities in mind, we are dreaming big this year for WyoGives, which takes place on July 16th!

We want to find businesses that share our vision and will invest in us with $25,000 in matching donations. In addition to that, we want to raise an additional $50,000 between individual donations and grants.
If you would like to get involved in this incredible day of giving, here are some ideas:
1. Sign up to receive our newsletters and stay on top of updates
3. Share our work with friends and family who also have a soft spot for horses
4. Donate to Sanctuary Horses during WyoGives, and see your gift matched
5. Become a business sponsor to multiply the donations we will receive.
Thank you so much for taking the time to learn about WyoGives and the amazing multiplication effect of this one special day. If you have any questions at all, please reach out. We are happy to talk about any aspect of what we do, including WyoGives. We are grateful for you, and for your interest in Sanctuary Horses. We also owe a debt of thanks to the Wyoming Nonprofit Network. They put serious time and energy into this event, and it is reflected in the growth and the success of this initiative. We are excited to see what this year holds for us, and for our horses!